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        展會(huì )信息

        2023年杭州海外置業(yè)移民留學(xué)展覽會(huì )

        舉辦時(shí)間: 2023/8/11 至 2023/8/13

        展會(huì )城市: 中國 浙江 杭州市

        展會(huì )面積:

        所屬類(lèi)別: 建筑房產(chǎn)


        主辦單位: 組委會(huì )
        承辦單位: 組委會(huì )
        展會(huì )概況
        2023杭州海外置業(yè)移民留學(xué)展覽會(huì )
        2023 Hangzhou Overseas Real Estate Immigration and Study Expo
        展會(huì )時(shí)間 Exhibition Dat:
        11th to 13th August 2023
        展會(huì )地點(diǎn) Exhibition venue:
        Hangzhou Wulin Plaza Zhejiang Grand Hotel

        杭州是浙江省會(huì ),中國新一線(xiàn)城市,也是2023年亞運會(huì )舉辦地,是中國民營(yíng)經(jīng)濟最發(fā)達的地區 。浙江億萬(wàn)富豪人數世界第二 ,每380人中有個(gè)千萬(wàn)富翁。
        Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province, the new first-tier city in China, and the venue of the 2023 Asian Games. It is the most developed area of private economy in China. Zhejiang has the second largest number of billionaires in the world, with one millionaire in every 380 people.

        本屆杭州海外置業(yè)移民留學(xué)展將有來(lái)自5大洲30個(gè)國家,100個(gè)項目參與本次盛會(huì ),將是2023年一場(chǎng)國際文化、教育、移民、置業(yè)投資項目在中國的盛大交流平臺。
        This Hangzhou Overseas Real Estate Immigrant Study Exhibition will have 100 projects from 30 countries on five continents participating in this grand event, which will be a grand exchange platform for international culture, education, immigration and real estate investment projects in China in 2023.

        Recommended by 100+ Business groups
        上海市浙江商會(huì )Shanghai Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce、上海市溫州商會(huì )Shanghai Fujian Chamber of Commerce、杭州溫州商會(huì ) Hangzhou Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce、杭州寶馬車(chē)友會(huì )Hangzhou BMW Car Association、杭州路虎車(chē)友會(huì )Hangzhou Porsche Car Club、杭州奔馳車(chē)友會(huì )Hangzhou Benz Car Club、北京國際商會(huì )Beijing International Chamber of Commerce、杭州青年商會(huì )Hangzhou Youth Chamber of Commerce、北京浙江企業(yè)商會(huì )Beijing Zhejiang Business Association、北京路虎車(chē)友會(huì )Beijing Land Rover Car Club、北京寶馬車(chē)友會(huì )Beijing BMW Car Association、杭州美發(fā)美容協(xié)會(huì )Hangzhou Hairdressing Association、廣州民營(yíng)企業(yè)商會(huì )Guangzhou Private Enterprise Chamber of Commerce、廣州溫州商會(huì )Guangzhou Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce、廣州福建商會(huì )Guangzhou Fujiang Chamber of Commerce、廣州服裝服飾商會(huì )Guangzhou Clothing Association、廣州鞋業(yè)商會(huì )Guangzhou Shoes Chamber of Commerce、杭州服裝商會(huì )Hangzhou Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce、深圳浙江商會(huì )Shenzhen Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce、杭州福建商會(huì )Hangzhou Fujiang Chamber of Commerce、成都青年企業(yè)家商會(huì )Chengdu Young Entrepreneur 成都青年企業(yè)家商會(huì )、成都浙江商會(huì )Chengdu Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce、成都寶馬車(chē)友會(huì )Chengdu BMW Car Association、成都奔馳車(chē)友會(huì )Chengdu Benz Car Club、重慶浙商聯(lián)合會(huì )Chongqiong Zheshang Federation、重慶廣東商會(huì )Chongqioing Guangdong Chamber of Commerce、杭州互聯(lián)網(wǎng)商務(wù)協(xié)會(huì )Hangzhou Internet Business Association、杭州保時(shí)捷車(chē)友會(huì )Hangzhou Porsche Car Club、、、、

        Covering the Yangtze River Delta region of China, focusing on the promotion of Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Taizhou and other regions with the most developed private economy in China, with a publicity coverage of 30 million people

        At the same time, activities such as the Global Children's Food Festival, the world's cultural photo exhibition,
        and the study abroad consultation of world famous schools were held to attract customers from all walks of life

        本屆杭州海外置業(yè)移民留學(xué)展將有來(lái)自5大洲30個(gè)國家,100個(gè)項目參與本次盛會(huì ),將是2023年一場(chǎng)國際文化、教育、移民、置業(yè)投資項目在中國的盛大交流平臺。
        This Hangzhou Overseas Real Estate Immigrant Study Exhibition will have 100 projects from 30 countries on five continents participating in this grand event, which will be a grand exchange platform for international culture, education, immigration and real estate investment projects in China in 2023.

        1.展館A類(lèi)展位1個(gè) 2980 USD
        Provide 1 Class A booth in the exhibition hall(With an area of 2.2 * 2.5 meters, one background display board, one reception table,     one negotiation table and four chairs are provided)
        WeChat "Hangzhou Overseas Wealth Network", 2 press releases released
        Tiktok "Hangzhou Overseas Exhibition", 1 small video released

        套餐B Package B:( 3980 USD)

        Provide 1 Class A booth in the exhibition hall\1 entrance advertising space(With an area of 2.2 * 2.5 meters,Advertising space 3 * 3m, one background display board, one reception table,     one negotiation table and four chairs are provided)
        WeChat "Hangzhou Overseas Wealth Network", 2 press releases released
        Tiktok "Hangzhou Overseas Exhibition", 1 small video released

        組委會(huì )聯(lián)系方式
        contact information
        聯(lián)系電話(huà)TEL: +86-15800685309
        郵箱: 1162876422@QQ.COM
                158 00685309
        抖音(TIKTOK):2023海外云展會(huì )      
        ADD:Hangzhou Wulin Plaza Zhejiang Grand Hotel

        電話(huà):84600937、 84600936

        手機:13661314152、 13520548763、19919912981、15810646598

        由于本網(wǎng)站信息均來(lái)源于用戶(hù)發(fā)布及其他網(wǎng)絡(luò )渠道提供,因此本站不完全保證信息的及時(shí)和準確性。本網(wǎng)轉載,是本著(zhù)為讀者傳遞更多信息之目的,用戶(hù)需自行確認或證實(shí)其內容的真實(shí)性再安排參展計劃。如因展會(huì )改期、延期、取消展會(huì )計劃等造成糾紛,請用戶(hù)聯(lián)系該展會(huì )承辦公司,本網(wǎng)不承擔相關(guān)法律責任。 如涉及版權等問(wèn)題,請作者一周內來(lái)電或來(lái)函聯(lián)系刪除或修改。電話(huà):010-84600936


        填寫(xiě)參展意向,讓主辦方主動(dòng)聯(lián)絡(luò )您

        同期展會(huì ) 更多
        推薦展會(huì ) 更多

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